Tuesday , April 1 2025
how to create twitter bio

How to Create Twitter Bio That Attracts More Followers

These days, we’re urged to take extra care of social media while branding is the main concern. Due to that reason, it’s vital to be more distinctive and put our impression forward by writing an alluring bio, considering for one of the popular social networks, Twitter. This bio is the first thing that can build or break your brand and inducing audience, whether to click away or follow. In our previous post, we discussed about the challenges of good twitter bio. For that reason, today I’ve come up to let you guys know how to crate twitter bio more professionally.

Features to Create an Awesome Twitter Bio

Today, from the following guide on how to make a twitter bio, you’d find the ways to overcome those challenges and make a stunning bio. Let’s begin.

  1. Be Precise with Your Bio

Tell the world who you really are, what you like to do, what’s your passion, what’s your ambition of life, etc. Be distinctive with that option and make sure it reflects the true identity of your personality. Whether you’re a big fan of Start Wars, or crazy about Zombie movie, or a Foodaholic, people would know about you.

Accuracy in the key ingredient here. Some people may not like my ideas, but your followers should know who you really are, if your target is to convert them into customers.


  2. Photo Matters

I see many Twitter users who tend to change their profile picture after every certain week or don’t even post appropriate photo. It can be devastating if branding and selling is your main target.

According to Mashable, roughly 8% of your followers care about profile pic. It looks kind of lame, but it matters when you’re inclined to sell something to them. More than 10% of men follow Twitter depending on the quality of their profile pic, whereas the percentage is about 6% for women while following others profile.

CAUTION!!! The New Twitter Layout can destroy your Image quality.

Twitter has introduced a new layout that is designed to change the size depending on browsers window of the users. That means the Twitter layout will be re-shaped according to users browsers screen size. It denotes the profile picture and profile header will be resized every time. Twitter algorithm tends crunch image every time you upload for the profile picture or profile header. So use the highest resolution image of PNG or RAW format, instead of JPEG if you want your picture look good.

So, don’t hesitate to put your best face forward.


  3. Make the Bio Sounds Cool & Exciting

Do you know Twitter bio is the only thing that utterly shows your temperament in front of the world? It’s a buzzy place with loads of cool features. So, if you’re a boring person, don’t show it. Make your twitter profile as much exciting as possible.


  4.Tell People about Your Accomplishment

Telling people about your accomplishment is mostly the idea of self-promotion. However, it’s not less important, although some people over describe themselves and we don’t expect it from you. Since Twitter Bio is sort of a CV, so try to be accurate on your achievement.

It’s not that you say “I am Cool” out loud. Since the bio is kind of a resume, your initial priority should be to get hired or sell. Such as, if you just started a company, you can rank yourself as “Entrepreneur” in the bio. Recently had baby? You can include “Mom” or “Dad into your description. Or if you love to stay fit, you are “fitness guru” and many more

The idea here is to give something to the people that they get thrilled to get benefited from you by following. Make twitter bio sounds interesting.


  5. Use # (hashtag), @’s or Links

Twitter bio is one of the most versatile platforms by which you can redirect your follower into various slants of your identity. For example, If you’re an “SEO Expert”, then you should add “#SEO” to connect with other SEO professional available on twitter by one simple click. Using proper hashtag in right keyword is pretty necessary if you want to make your Twitter profile SEO friendly. If you own a business or work as a corporate employee in a company, add its name by putting “@” before it. Last of all, you can add links to your profile. But let me warn you, as it can take some precious character space and make your bio seem like a bit tacky. You’d get amusing Twitter bio ideas from the following image.

how to make a twitter bio


  6. Attract People of Your Own Profession

By using words that your same professional people use in their bio, can be a groundbreaking option to attract niche people. The people of your profession will see it consequently and realize, you and they belong in the same community.

For example, if you put “#SEOExpert” as a key phrase at your bio, then another SEO expert or your niche audience will find you eventually. It doesn’t matter where you live or they live.


  7. Make it Humanizing, Rather Than Robotic

Remember what I said previously about fake profile? You should be careful about that fact. Most of the machine generated bio seem robotic and unappealing. So make it humanizing. Create the bio that sounds like the real you. Good twitter bio doesn’t mean straightforward lines or passage of texts.


 8. Proper Formations

Since you’re obliged to attract your targeted customer and niche professionals, you have to prepare the bio in right formations like, precisely explain your job and who you’re, represent your brand, target potential buyers and so on. In addition, you can use comas, periods, lines in Twitter bio to personalize what you do.

How to Create Twitter Bio


  9. Follower Count is Not That Vital

Don’t put too much pressure on increasing your follower number. Rather than, try to make your bio in a way that can bring customer of your product. A perfectly written bio can turn a follower, into a customer within 24 hours. In that case response time is all that matters. According to Sysomos, 93.6% Twitter has less than 100 followers. And 95% of your followers don’t care whether you’ve 1000 or 10,000 followers.


  10. Add CTA

Most of the time, we forget to add CTA through our Twitter bio. Take a deep look over the founder of Hootsuite, Greg Gunn’s Twitter profile and how he asked people to find him via hashtags, how he offered to knock him and what he does consequently.

Make a twitter bio

Do you have any other formula to entice people? Why don’t you tell us in the comment box?


  11. Show Your Company Relation with Website

Do make sure you put the link on the website, so that people would know about your company and whom you’re working for. Not only that, add relation with the bio.

For example, Mike Hannigun is the CA of Charter International. In his Twitter bio, he shall write likewise CA @CharterInternational.



So, ready for some action? Remember, you don’t have to fill all 160 character and never feel bad about telling people about yourself. You don’t have to follow the trend. Just make sure your followers identify you, recognize you differently.

Now, tell us your opinion about our guide on how to create Twitter bio and discuss it in our comment box. Feel free to share and let your acquaintance know how to create an awesome twitter bio.

About Isteak Ahmed

Isteak Ahmed has been advancing to render 100% standard quality content since the beginning of his career. He is making sublime intuition on copy writing, ghostwriting, SEO, eBook and blog writing with years of heartfelt experience in Digital Media Marketing Arena. Besides, he is stepping ahead to attain sheer expertise in Social Media Branding.

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