Friday , February 21 2025
digital advertising-trends

3 Awesome Digital Advertising Trends to Pay Attention in 2015

People now mostly aware of the advertisements they face to and fro and can easily apprehend for which ad they will fall for. That’s the betterment, customers grabbed from the overall development of digital empire. Getting a right ad in front of right people at right time is an art for all marketers. When we consider online marketer, then there is nothing better than exhibiting products or service’s advertisement through internet campaign. Today, we’ll talk about the overall digital advertising trends that you should pay attention ASAP.


Online advertising trends recently trimming some of the crucial questions regarding their strategy like when will people listen, what content will be more customer engaging, how can you reach your consumers and more. All the answers of these confusions in trends in digital advertising lie in understanding 3 trends which are precisely reshaping the whole industry.

Badass Digital Advertising Trends

Along the constant changes of technology and advancement of digital world, internet marketers shall stay put to recognize what’s trending and what’s not. It’s been a high time since we’ve introduce any brand new marketing method and the old one’s are getting more and more outdated. So, how the digital advertising trends should be elevated.

It is suggested by marketing pioneers to hand over any project regarding internet marketing to a profoundly famous digital advertising agency for encompassing any specific target. By digging deep through the universal digital advertising statistics, we’ve shortlisted the following 3 awesome digital marketing trends 2015, which will offer you the chances to reach brand new audiences.

Mobile Video Advertising

mobile advertising

The consumption rate of mobile video advertising in digital marketing trends is thriving at a staggering speed. The overall scenario is that among all the online videos, mobile view accounts for more than 30%. And the rate has increases like 400 times in 2015 than 2014.

Among all other means of advertising, videos always play the most dominant role. It procures a rather unique opportunity to the marketers to present their service or product effectively in front of potential audiences. The way people stare at screens while playing any video, they simply don’t engage with online ads or billboard or flyers or magazine pullouts.

Since 4G has arrived and developed in long way, the video playback experience will be much better. Mobile video marketing is one of the most popular trends in digital advertising.

Native Advertising

The following one is the trickiest online advertising trends and you may have to hire a high profile digital advertising agency. Customers now a days are quite choosy regarding what content they will swallow, how they would spend their time and most of all, and their user experience. That’s why invasive advertising shall be the easiest way to put them off. That simply unwanted method of marketing is globally known as native advertising.

Native advertisements have to clever and they should not show clear urgency to attract the customers. This less annoying behavior put the targeted audience at a vulnerable situation and at the end, they end up purchasing that corresponding service or product. Native marketing is a way of entertaining people. So, there is always high possibility to gain sheer acknowledgement within a short period. But, a brief discussion and plan have to be made to achieve success.

Researching Customer Behavior

Search, search, search and accept the bitter truth. Your online advertisement campaign can only gain success by showing such patience for a long time. Research you customer behavior. Show your effort to offer quality service at bigger aspect. That approach of digital marketing trend would let you to obtain customer loyalty and most of all, build your brand impression. So, understand what your customer wants and take initiative as required.

These are the most awesome and trendiest online marketing strategy right now. If you have something more in your mind, don’t hesitate to comment below. Subscribe us to know more about digital advertising trends and so on.

About Orbit Informatics

Being indulged to provide the best customer based services, Orbit Informatics comes up with Pay for Performance policy on any sort of development task about Web Application development, Website design, .NET development, and graphic design services along with our brand optimized solution team, which is particularly experienced on decisive digital marketing particles like SEO, PPC, Content Creation,

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